Registry of Guitar TutorsInformation for Guitar Tutors and |
Wädenswil Music Shops |
Fürst Guitars - |
Raperswil Music Shop - |
Zurich Guitar Shops |
Guitarrentotal - |
Promusig - |
Centralmusic - |
Fender Discussion PageDiscussion page for Fender Fans. |
London College of MusicOfficial site for the London College of Music. |
Power TabExcellent site for powertab, if you haven’t tried this you must give it a try, excellent learning tool for covers. |
Take Note Publishing LtdFor web design and digital publishing services. |
Music Theory, Chords, Scales etcSharp music tools for guitar and piano. |
Note and Ear TrainerMusic theory tools. |
Youtube Lessons for Beginners |
Ultimate GuitarSong TABs and Chords |
911 TabsSong TABs and Chords |
Black Belt GuitarChord Generator |
ChordieChords and scales |
Simon Ashworth, DipLCM | Tel: 079 138 6852 | Email: